List of symptoms related with ADHD

This list provides a comprehensive summary of how various symptoms may manifest in adults. It does not serve as a diagnostic tool.

Signs of inattention

Frequently makes casual mistakes, such as missing facts or submitting erroneous work.
Frequently has trouble paying attention to tasks.
For example, difficulties staying concentrated during lectures, talks, or long reads.
Frequently appears to not listen when addressed to directly.
Example: the mind appears elsewhere, even in the absence of obvious distraction.
Often fails to follow through on instructions, assignments, or duties in the workplace
Example: begins tasks, but rapidly loses attention and is easily distracted.

Frequently has trouble arranging tasks and activities.
Examples include sloppy, chaotic work; poor time management; and failure to meet deadlines.
Frequently avoids, dislikes, or is unwilling to participate in jobs involving prolonged mental work, such as creating reports, filling out forms, or analyzing lengthy papers.
Frequently loses tools, wallets, keys, documents, eyeglasses, and cell phones.
Frequently diverted by other activities, especially unrelated thoughts.
Frequently forgetful in daily chores, such as running errands, returning calls, paying bills, and maintaining appointments.

Hyperactive and impulsive symptoms

Frequently fidgets with hands and feet, squirms in seat, and exits when expected to sit.
Leaves their place in an office or other workplace setting, or in other situations that necessitate remaining seated.
Frequently runs or climbs in inappropriate situations or when feeling restless (in adulthood, this may be confined to feeling restless).
Frequently unable to engage in leisure activities quietly
Frequently acts as if “on the go” or “driven by a motor”
Example: feels incapable or uncomfortable being still for an extended period of time, such as in meetings or restaurants.

Often speaks excessively.
Frequently answers questions before they are fully asked. Examples include finishing people’s sentences and not waiting for the next turn in a conversation.
Frequently has difficulties waiting his or her turn, for example, while standing in line.
Frequently interrupts or intrudes upon others.
Examples: butts into conversations, games, or activities; may begin using other people’s things without asking or obtaining permission; may intrude upon or take over what others are doing.

ADHD symptoms may vary depending on the context.

ADHD symptoms can affect individuals at home, work, school, and in social settings. To be diagnosed with ADHD, symptoms must be present in at least two contexts.


individuals may struggle to remember daily tasks like running errands, returning calls, and keeping appointments.
Loses items such as schoolwork, keys, spectacles, wallets, and mobile phones.
Difficulty performing leisure activities quietly.


Symptoms of disorganization include trouble keeping materials organized, poor time management, missed deadlines, difficulty sitting still, and a lack of attention to detail or careless blunders.


Difficulty waiting for their turn
Frequently interrupts or intrudes upon others.
Talks excessively

Symptoms must manifest frequently.

Kindly be advised that this is not a diagnostic instrument. ADHD can only be precisely diagnosed by a healthcare provider. Ensure that you consult with your physician and examine the comprehensive list of ADHD symptoms.